Investing $100: A Millionaire’s Journey

Can you start investing with just $100? Four years ago, I put it to the test with five different investments. Today, I’m sharing how they performed and the lessons learned. Let’s dive in!


Ever wondered how to kick start your investment journey with just $100? As someone who’s been asked this countless times, I decided to tackle this head-on four years ago. I took $100 and invested it across five different avenues. Today, I’ll share how each of those investments fared, judging them on various aspects. Buckle up; it’s going to be a wild ride!


Learning Curve: The Jigsaw Puzzle

First off, the learning curve. It’s like figuring out a jigsaw puzzle—the fewer pieces, the better. Ideally, we want this to be as breezy as a Sunday morning. As they say, “The more you learn, the more you earn.”

Passive Income: The Dreamy Cash flow

Next up, passive income potential. It’s the dream, right? Earning money while sipping coffee and watching your favorite show. The goal is to have that sweet cash flow without lifting a finger. And let’s not forget the tax part. Yes, taxes! We’re talking about how to keep Uncle Sam from claiming a chunk of your hard-earned cash.

Risk: The Roller-coaster Ride

Risk level is like a roller-coaster—thrilling but sometimes terrifying. It’s all about the chances of your investment taking a nosedive or skyrocketing. Remember, “In investing, what is comfortable is rarely profitable.”


Individual Stocks: The Wild Card

Individual stocks can feel like a wild card. You’re buying into companies you believe will shine. But it’s not all sunshine and rainbows. There’s no crystal ball here; you need to dive into the details. When I invest, I’m in it for the long haul, like a dedicated marathon runner. For passive income, stocks offer a decent shot. If the price hikes, you profit. Some even pay you dividends, a little thank you for being part of the club. Tax-wise, with the right accounts, you can shield your earnings from the taxman. Now, let’s talk risk. Stocks are a high-stakes game. The market can be as unpredictable as the weather. My $100 in Samsung? It’s now $67.72. Yep, a loss. But hey, that’s the stock market for you, unpredictable as ever!

Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs): The Group Project

REITs are like group projects, without the messy coordination. You and others chip in, and together, you own a slice of the property pie. These have a moderate learning curve—easier than managing your own property. For passive income, REITs are champs. By law, they hand over most of their earnings to you. Tax-wise, they can be your best buddies, offering great advantages. As for risk, it’s moderate. Investing in multiple properties means spreading the risk. My $100 REIT investment? It’s $98.59 now. Not stellar, but not disastrous either.

Cryptocurrency: The Digital Frontier

Cryptocurrency is the new kid on the block. Digital cash that isn’t tied to banks or governments. It’s a bit of a brain teaser to learn, but once you do, it’s like opening a digital treasure chest. Passive income here is a mixed bag. You don’t get dividends, but you can stake your assets for rewards. Tax efficiency? Not so much. The taxman is relentless here. Risk? It’s through the roof! Prices can soar and plummet faster than a roller-coaster. My $100 in Bitcoin turned into $652.24. Not too shabby, but remember, that’s not the norm.

Gold: The Ancient Guardian

Gold is the old faithful of investments, a reliable guardian of wealth. It’s simple to invest in, whether you prefer physical gold or ETFs. Don’t expect passive income here. Gold is all about preservation, not profit. Tax-wise, it can be beneficial if you play your cards right. Risk is low compared to others. My $100 investment in gold? Now it’s $140.10. Slow and steady wins the race.

Index Funds: The Team Player

Index funds let you own a piece of the biggest companies, all wrapped up in a neat package. They’re a breeze to get into, no need to sweat over financial reports. Passive income is moderate. You get dividends from the companies within the fund. Tax advantages? Absolutely, especially in the right accounts. Risk is low. It’s like spreading butter on bread, nice and even. My $100 in an index fund? It’s $179.36 now. Solid growth over time.

Conclusion: Choose Your Path Wisely

So, what’s the takeaway? Each investment path has its quirks and perks. Start early, even with a small amount, and let time do its magic. Ready to dive into the world of investing? Don’t wait; make your move today!


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